
JS: $(document).ready(function() { var app = new Vue({ el: '#Main', data: { Log: [], Thread: null, ParseResult: "", Error: "" }, Mounted() { setInterval(() => this.Parse(), 2000); }, methods: { Parse: async function() { var self = this this.Thread = new BASThread() try { var Result = await this.Thread.RunFunction("Parse", {}) this.ParseResult = Result } catch (e) { this.Error = e setTimeout(function() { self.Error = "" }, 5000) } }, Stop: async function() { if (!this.IsRunning) { return; } this.Log = [] this.Error = "" this.Thread.StopThread() this.IsRunning = false; } } }) /////Api event handler Api.SetEventHandler(function(EventType, EventData) { /////Script started if (EventType == "start") {} /////Script stopped if (EventType == "stop") {} if (EventType == "log") { //Obtain log text var LogText = EventData["text"] this.ParseResult = LogText }; /////More events: }) /////Automatically start script Api.AcceptResources(true) /////After everything is initialized may show body $("body").fadeIn() /////Events }); /////Resource values are obtained through this function when hitting run button, you can change it. /////For example, you can edit value entered by user, make custom validation, or replace resource system compleatelly /////More info: function GetResourceValue(ResourceName) { return "" } //Interface editor has no connection to BAS and therefore can't execute BAS functions. //If you try to call function from interface editor, //you will get a random string as result in a several seconds. //This behavior is not acceptable in several cases: if your function return a list, //not a string, or string in specific format, if you want to test error handling, etc. //In order to circumvent this limitation. you need to define "EmulateFunctionRun" //function inside web interface. //More info: function EmulateFunctionRun(FunctionName, FunctionParameters, Resolve, Reject) { //Generate random data var RandomTime = Math.floor(Math.random() * (1000 - 500)) + 500 var RandomResult = Math.floor(Math.random() * (1000)) //Return result in RandomTime milliseconds setTimeout(function() { //Generate result string if (FunctionName == "Query") { Resolve([ "Test result link1", "Test result name1", ]) } else { Resolve("Test result " + RandomResult) } }, RandomTime) }